*Voted Best Of The Web~2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 For Patient Education
And Medical Information-Reaching out to over 20 MILLION and still going GP strong!
We are the one and only
OFFICIAL Gastroparesis Awareness Organization since 2006
YOU HAVE GASTROPARESIS? Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign Team

'The Gastroparesis Friendly Diet'
Helping those with Gastroparesis by providing better food choices!
*Created by Gastroparesis patients
through years of food trial and error
-See left tab for more information

*Now Available On Podvine, Goodpods, Amazon Audible, Roku DVP, Tizen TV, Backtracks
FM, Audacy, Podcast Republic, Luminary Podcast Network, Amazon Music*
FREE YOURSELF...MY JOURNEY PLOG-Podcast Blog Join over 62,003,011 listeners for daily
podcast fun! iHeartRadio, Audacy, Goodpods, Podvine, Reason.FM, Amazon
Music, Roku DVP, Tizen TV, Podcast Republic, My Tuner Radio, Luminary Podcast Network, Vurbl, Syncify FM, Listen Notes, Deezer,
Amazon Audible, Podbay, Backtracks FM, ivoxx, PodParadise, Podcast Addict, Castbox, Podhero, TuneIn, Stitcher, Google Play,
Apple iTunes, Castro, Overcast FM, Pocket Casts, Podbean
Welcome to My Journey
right here in the country! Sit back, take a load
off your feet and grab a cup of Joe,
a glass of wine or your favorite beverage! FREE YOURSELF...MY JOURNEY Is about teaching others around the world the gift of Laughter when
facing Pain & Adversity~ FREE
Blog *Listen to daily podcasts
available now on iHeartRadio, Amazon Audible, Vurbl, Reason.FM, Syncify.FM, TuneIn, Google Play, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Castbox,
Stitcher, Apple iTunes, Pocket Casts, Listen Notes, Overcast FM, Castro, Podhero, Podbean*
Out All The Sneak Previews! FREE

Joins hands with the Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign Team helping
to spread Gastroparesis Awareness!

Amanda Michelle
Seyfried began her career as a child model when she was 11 and at 15 began her career as an actress, starting off with
uncredited roles and moving on to recurring roles on As the World Turns and All My Children.

Jersey Shore... GTL TIME!
Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign magnetic car ribbons as the ones shown with Snooki & Deena are available for order
and as always... FREE SHIPPING!
Send your request to us at: gpawarenessfund@yahoo.com

WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE YOUR GASTROPARESIS STORY WITH THE WORLD? *The Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign would like to share your GP Journey in

We are looking for fellow Gastroparesis patients, family, friends and
loved ones interested in sharing their GP Journey. Please submit your story with a bio photo: gpawarenessfund@yahoo.com GP JOURNEY 2025

Hi, my name is Carrie A
GP Warrior Of Many Years!!

My Journey started over 17 years ago when I got pregnant with
our 1st child, Tyler. I
had severe heartburn and regurgitation throughout all three of my pregnancies which unfortunately never improved after I gave
birth. With every pregnancy, my symptoms got worse and throughout my last 2 pregnancies I was so sick that along with
taking PPI’s for heartburn I had to be put on Zofran for nausea and vomiting and was even put on bed rest for the last
few months of my pregnancies. After having my 3rd child, Rachel, in 2008 life got busy and we focused on our family and
raising our three beautiful children. I continued having severe heartburn and regurgitation but simply relied on PPI medications
to try and reduce the symptoms although it rarely helped. Our
middle child, Abbie unfortunately had some health issues of her own that we were dealing with, so I temporarily pushed aside
my own health problems to focus on her in helping together better along with also focusing on raising our young family
of 5. After years of hospital admissions, tests, procedures, and tracking/journaling things, Abbie was finally diagnosed with
CVS (cyclical vomiting syndrome) which we were finally able to manage through help from her GI team, medications and learning
what the triggers were. I’m happy to say that currently she is healthy and taking control of her CVS. As years went by and our kids continued to grow, &
life only got busier as all three were involved in traveling soccer and both the girls were in competitive dance. With that
being said, I continued to focus on raising our kids and enjoyed being involved in all their sports and activities. I did
not completely brush my own health issues aside, as I continued to have occasional appointments w/my G.I. specialists where
I had previously been diagnosed with severe Gerd. Jumping ahead to 2017 ~ I got sick in September and ended up needing to have my
appendix removed. Following my surgery to remove my appendix I decided it was time to move forward with my GI- GERD/Acid Reflux
problems and went ahead w/having my 1st Nissan Fundoplication with hiatal hernia surgery (full 360 wrap). Unfortunately, following
that surgery I had many complications including dysphasia/swallowing/motility issues as well as esophageal spasms. I also
got nauseous & regurgitated often which lead to all my GERD symptoms returning and caused my wrap to slip, pushing my
stomach up into my esophagus. I had many follow ups with my surgeon & my GI specialists as well was referred to Rochester
Mayo (in my home state of MN) because my case was complicated. I had several appointments, tests, labs, and procedures but
my GI symptoms continued to worsen. Needless to say after trying several other options to avoid another surgery, there was
no choice left, but to move forward to have the redo Nissan Fundoplication with hiatal hernia surgery (due to the 1st one
failing, the return of GI symptoms & complications). Prior to me having the redo Nissan surgery, I had my 1st gastric
emptying study and that is when I was initially diagnosed with Gastroparesis (delay of emptying of the stomach). At that point
my Gastroparesis was mild to the point where I did not need to be on medication for it. Following my redo Nissan surgery in December 2018 (where they converted my wrap
from a full to a partial to help w/swallowing problems), my Gastroparesis symptoms flared up and I ended up in the hospital
longer than expected. They started me on Reglan along with Zofran & Ativan to help with nausea/vomiting and just 2 months
later ordered my 2nd gastric emptying study. By now my wrap from the redo Nissan surgery was already slipping/failing because
of all my nausea, reaching and vomiting (which btw, you’re not supposed to be able to throw up after a Nissan) . It
was after this GES that showed and confirmed my Gastroparesis had gotten worse and is now more severe.
Unfortunately the Reglan
that is supposed to help with Gastroparesis was not working for me and was causing side effects (extreme exhaustion and eye
twitching). I had to stop taking the Reglan due to these side effects. Since discontinuing the Reglan, some of my energy level
has improved (which being a daycare provider, I highly depend on my energy) however I still get eye twitches off & on
daily and continue to vomit and get nauseous. I tire very easily due to the lack of food and nutrients I am able to consume
along with getting sick often, however thankfully am able to continue to work (and truly believe the love I have as a daycare
provider helps me push through each and every day....could never give that up)! They do not know the exact cause of my
Gastroparesis. I have lost a lot of weight over the years due to my severe GERD /Gastroparesis illnesses and continue to struggle
to maintain or gain weight. I have had to change my eating habits drastically and have been on a liquid/soft diet for over
a year. I now am forced to live on a very specific diet plan and rely on Ensure to help give my body the much needed nutrients that are depleted due to my Gastroparesis. This brings me to where I am at today. Since Reglan does not work for me and
is no longer an option we are forced to continue with more testing and GI appointments in search for other medications to
try and help with these awful symptoms. The suggestion of needing a feeding tube has been brought to my attention a few times
and although I am trying my very best to avoid that route, if that is my next option after trying a few more meds, than I
am all for it! I will do whatever is needed so I can get better to be here for my family and friends and to continue
to watch my kids grow. Through all of this I somehow remain positive and hopeful. I have my amazing support system, friends
and family to thank for this as they have been and are my rock! I struggle with
finding hope and a cure for this awful disease. I do my best to walk & get light exercise everyday when I'm not feeling
sick. And even though I have had to adjust my lifestyle, I still enjoy spending time with my family, children, & friends. I thank God everyday that I am still here as I continue
this journey searching for a cure & fighting to kick this disease. Carrie W Looking
for a cure to this disease

Have you been diagnosed with either
idiopathic or diabetic gastroparesis?
If so, you might qualify for a clinical study for a new medication
for nausea and the symptoms of gastroparesis.

Request to join study: https://gpvandastudy.com/
This study is sponsored by VANDA Pharma Inc

The Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign is honored
to join hands with the Royal Melbourne Hospital & Swinburne University of Technology located in Hawthorn Victoria,
Australia by announcing their new online Gastroparesis-focused information and psychological support service. https://www.Gastroparesis.Mindovergut.com/
Information provided on Gastroparesis.mindovergut.com includes: What is Gastroparesis disease, its symptoms, methods of diagnosis,
and management. Gastroparesis.mindovergut.com also offers information about the impact of Gastroparesis disease in relation
to mental health, including anxiety, depression, stress, and sleep.
Gastroparesis.mindovergut.com provides a free online 5-week evidence-based psychologically focused optimal health and
resilience program to help individuals living with Gastroparesis.

A Huge "SHOUT OUT! Counts Kustoms-Counting Cars

Many, many thanks to Danny, Mike, Roli, Scott, Kevin & the entire crew
at Counts Kustoms for honoring those who fight the great GP fight! ~KH-Founder

Joins the Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign Team!

Jackie Chan, (born Chan Kong-sang, 陳港生; 7 April 1954 in Hong Kong) is a Hong Kong actor, action choreographer,
comedian, director, producer, martial artist, screenwriter, entrepreneur,
singer, and stunt performer. In his movies, he is known for his acrobatic fighting style,
comic timing, use of improvised weapons, and innovative stunts. He is one of the few actors that did all of his stunts in
all of his films. Jackie Chan has been acting since the 1960s and has appeared in over 150 films.

Jason Lively & Cast |

Helping to raise GP Awareness & Education |
Gastroparesis guest speakers available for special
For further information please send offline requests
John Travolta & Family |

Continuing joining hands with the Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign Organiztation |


Christine M. Fabiani-Founder, Executive Director |
Knots of Love’s primary goal is to brighten the lives of those in need with kindness
and love. All Knots of Love creations are given free of charge to people who are battling cancer or other life-threatening
illnesses or injuries.
Thank you to Christine and her amazing organization along with the many volunteers who
give their time helping to spread love and support to patients all over the world, "ONE KNOT AT A TIME!"
Gastroparesis Patient Advocate-Pennsylvania |

Debby With The Official March 2013 Gastroparesis Awareness Proclamation |
What is Gastroparesis?
is a digestive motility disorder where the vagus nerve is damaged. The muscles and nerves of the stomach, intestines
and other GI organs become paralyzed. This condition delays food emptying from the stomach and other GI organs which
can result in serious complications and further gastrointestinal problems. 1 out of every 2 diabetics will develop
Gastroparesis. This is 50 percent of all patients.
-National Institutes of Health estimates there
are over 5 million Gastroparesis patients in the United States. Lack of medical education of Gastroparesis and patients
not being properly diagnosed are still left untreated, suffering in silence.
*Gastroparesis is most commonly caused by diabetes,
but can also be hereditary or occur as a result of surgery on the stomach or vagus nerve, viral infections, food poisoning,
MS/Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, ALS/Lou Gehrig's disease, stroke, medications that slow contractions in the intestines
such as anticholinergics and narcotics, gastric bypass, lap band, gastric sleeve surgery, smooth muscle disorders, Scleroderma,
Amyloidosis, gastro esophageal reflux disease, metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases, Mitochondrial Disease, chemo/radiation
therapy, Bells Palsy syndrome, Ramsey Hunt syndrome, Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia.
*Idiopathic Gastroparesis
has no known origin. Many diagnostic tests can be performed however it is still unknown to the medical profession the
cause of those patients who suffer from this more rare type of Gastroparesis.
"The Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign
Our mission is to spread world
wide international public awareness and education for this debilitating GI disorder.
The most important issue will
be continued communication with local Government on increasing federal funds for research and development. We also hold yearly
public awareness activities helping to educate all state citizens and health professionals about Gastroparesis. The
Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign team keeps in close communication with current bio-tech companies conducting research for
possible future Gastroparesis drugs.
*Don't forget to check back for
our upcoming **12TH ANNUAL** UNITED GP WALK OCTOBER 2025 A yearly international event raising Gastroparesis Awareness one person at a time! :)
Gastroparesis Patient Advocate-Texas |

Kaitlin With The Official March 2013 Gastroparesis Awareness Proclamation |

-The Key to Success for Gastroparesis is Awareness |

A huge THANK YOU to all of our Governors! |
*In response to the open
hunting of wolves in the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota the Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign has decided to no longer affiliate
with either state government but will continue providing support for ALL Gastroparesis patients residing in both states. We
do not condone hunting as a sport of these sacred animals.
God’s creatures both big and small quickly replace what lacks in compassion with society. Animals bring what
patients who are sick and terminally ill need, which is, “Unconditional Love and Companionship.”
-The Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign Team & Founder
Many Thanks To: Governor Eric Holcomb of Indiana-Gastroparesis Awareness Month-October 2017
Governor Susana Martinez of New Mexico-Gastroparesis
Awareness Month-May 2013
Governor Nathan Deal of Georgia-Gastroparesis
Awareness Month-May 2013
Governor Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania-Gastroparesis
Awareness Month-March 2013
Governor Rick Perry of Texas-Gastroparesis
Awareness Month-March 2013
Governor John. R Kasich of Ohio-Gastroparesis
Awareness Month-October 2011
Governor Mike Beebe of Arkansas-Gastroparesis
Awareness Month-October 2011
Governor John A. Kitzhaber, M.D. of Oregon-Gastroparesis
Awareness Month-June 2011
Governor Chet Culver of Iowa-Gastroparesis
Awareness Month-July 2010
Governor Martin O' Malley of Maryland-Gastroparesis
Awareness Month-February 2010
Governor Charlie Crist of Florida, Governor
Jim Gibbons of Nevada-Gastroparesis Awareness Month-August 2009
Governor David Paterson of New York, Governor
Bev Perdue of North Carolina-Gastroparesis & Digestive Awareness-June 2009
Governor Deval L. Patrick of Massachusetts-Gastroparesis
& Digestive Awareness-February 2009
Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi-Gastroparesis
& Digestive Awareness-August 2008
Governor Edward G. Rendell of Pennsylvania-Gastroparesis
& Digestive Citizen Awareness-May 2008
Governor Phil Bredesen of Tennessee-Gastroparesis
& Digestive Awareness-April 2008
Governor Joe Manchin III of West Virginia,
Governor Ted Kulongoski of Oregon-Gastroparesis & Digestive Awareness-March 2008
Governor Dave Freudenthal of Wyoming, Governor
Kathleen Babineaux Blanco of Louisiana, Governor
Ted Strickland of Ohio, Governor Mitchell E. Daniels Jr of Indiana-Gastroparesis & Digestive Awareness-March 2007
Janet Napolitano of Arizona & Governor M. Jodi Rell of Connecticut-Gastroparesis & Digestive Awareness-October
Mark Sanford of South Carolina-Gastroparesis & Digestive Awareness-December 2007
Governor James E. Risch-Idaho-Gastroparesis
& Digestive Motility Awareness-October 2006
Ernie Fletcher-Kentucky, Governor Bill Richardson-New Mexico, Governor Jennifer M. Granholm-Michigan, Governor Rod Blagojevich-Illinois,
Governor John E. Baldacci-Maine, Governor Matt Blunt-Missouri, Governor Jon S. Corzine-New Jersey, Governor Christine O. Gregoire-Washington-Gastroparesis
& Digestive Awareness-May 2006
*Official state proclamations are the sole possession
of the Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign Organization. We are not affiliated with
any other Gastroparesis
or GI organization.

Queen Elizabeth & The Prince of Wales
show their Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign support!
As of January 1,
2025 the Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign has successfully filled over 20,688,451 server
requests. Let's
continue to grow these numbers by
educating the public and raising worldwide Gastroparesis Awareness one person at a time! KEEP ON! KEEPING ON! Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign Organization © February 27th,
Email: "Spreading International Gastroparesis Awareness
One Person At A Time" You
My Friend Will Never Again Walk Alone
