30 DAYS 30 CANCERS 2/1/2016-3/1/2016


The Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign has been such a huge success helping to spread
international Gastroparesis Awareness for so many that we feel it's just as important to help others that maybe don't
suffer from GP, but from other serious medical conditions such as Cancer. This evil beast also rings far too close to home.
It has touched not just our life, but the lives of many of our family members, friends, loved ones and fur Angels. As
a team, our greatest hope is to be just as successful with this huge event helping to raise Cancer Awareness in support of
those who bravely battle each and every day, as we have been over the past 10 years with raising Gastroparesis Awareness.
As patients, our unique medical journeys are only divided by the name
of our condition. What we struggle and fight for each and every day are one in the same. HOPE and a CURE.
Take the challenge by committing to 140 miles for 30 days starting February 1, 2016.Doing so will help in raising
awareness for the most rare forms of cancer. *Proudly sponsored by the Gastroparesis Awareness
Campaign *Click on left tab for more information

March 1st, 2016: CANCER In Honor & Memory of Cherie Cherie
has been fighting cancer for many years, after two weeks in hospice she moved to her eternal home in heaven
on 2/23/16. Her family needs immediate assistance with funeral expenses. Cherie was a lover of fur babies and
despite her illness worked with many organizations as a volunteer to help find loving homes for
dogs. She also loved the military community and worked with veterans to place their pets in foster
homes while their owners were deployed (Guardian Angels for Soldiers Pet) and helped others
find service dogs to help with their PTSD. She devoted every minute of every day to loving her
fur babies, her 11 year old nephew and her family and friends. We thank you for all the love and care you've shown her
over the years.

February 29th, 2016: BRAIN CANCER In Honor & Memory of Doug Update: My Father passed
this evening while I was holding his hand and telling him it was ok to go. He will be missed.
My name is Denise. On January 26th, I got a call from the hospital that my Father was brought there
in an ambulance. I rushed to his side - he seemed confused and was unable to speak but was still
happy to see me. Over the next week, many tests and scans were done and on February 1st, he was diagnosed with a terminal
brain tumor and given two weeks to two months to live. A few days later, he was moved to Hospice
care at the VA home.
Despite my many attempts over the last few years to get my Dad to make
plans and arrangements, it was a subject that made him very uncomfortable. The only wishes he ever
expressed were to spread his ashes far and wide.
My Father, Doug, is 77 years old, a disabled
Veteran, living only on social security. He has no material wealth. As much as I wish I could pay for the
extravagant service I feel he deserves, I cannot. So I am asking friends and family to help me pay for his simple
wish to be cremated.
All money raised will go towards his funerary services.
A month
ago, my Dad was a saucy, outspoken, independent man, driving around and babysitting his grandson.
As of the moment I am writing this, my Dad is in his last days. I have been telling him since day
one that he had nothing to worry about, that I would take care of everything. Many people have asked
what they could do to support him and me, please consider donating.
Thank you everyone who has offered love
and hugs, those are priceless. ...

February 28th, 2016: CANINE
LYMPHOMA CANCER In Honor of Wiley We recently found out
some very heartbreaking news. Our sweet boy Wiley has lymphoma. The vet says it's the most treatable
cancer in dogs, but those treatments will be very expensive. Finding out Wiley has
cancer has been truly heartbreaking for us. Wiley has never been just a dog, he has always been our child. Not only
is he our child, but he's also "big brother" to our other fur baby, Rusty. These two are inseparable;
Rusty can sense that something is wrong, he's been cuddling up to him more and more over the last
couple of days. These two boys mean everything to us. To us, they are our children. We've been looking
forward to both of them having a long and happy life, and couldn't wait until we have children;
they are just the sweetest with kids. We have an appointment this afternoon to see an vet oncologist. We don't know how bad it
is yet, what treatment options there are, or how much they will cost. But any internet search will
tell you that it will be expensive. My husband and I are in our mid to late 20's, and both work
full time. We also have a mortgage, student loans payments to make. We already know that paying
for the things Wiley will need to get better, or at least be comfortable, will not be an easy thing to do. Taking him to the
emergency vet due to concerns over sudden bruising and swelling came to a total of $750; just to
see him, and run tests that confirm that he has lymphoma. Nothing else, no more insight into the
cancer, his prognosis, or what can be done. The appointment we have today to find out these things
will be $125. We realize that some
people would be of the opinion that we should put him down, and that it's not worth the money to try to help him. We
could never do that to Wiley; we will do absolutely everything we can to try to help him live a
longer and happy life.
Any money raised will be used for vet appointments, cancer treatments,
medication, special food....anything that Wiley needs to get better.
We would be so incredibly
grateful for any and all help. Please share this with your family, friends, and other dog lovers
and paw parents.
Thank you. ...

February 27th, 2016: SARCOMA MUSCLE CANCER In Honor of John Hi my name is Ashley, and I am setting this
campaign up for my AMAZING husband. He is currently suffering from a muscle tumor on his right hip
that has spread into his joint. We have a long road ahead of us, but we are strong.
is one exceptional man. I first met John on my first tour to Iraq (his second tour). We
were both in the United States Army and he happened to be the first person I met when I got to Camp
Taji (right outside of Baghdad in 2006). We didn't quite hit it off right away, but as the months went
by and we finally got home, he became one of my closest friends. By the time my second tour to Iraq came around (his
third) we pretty much knew we were meant to be.
Fast-forward about 8 years and we are
very happily married with two of the cutest kiddos you could imagine. John is a real estate agent
and I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to our 2 year old daughter and 1 year old son. With this
new twist to our life, John has a hard time walking and can't be as successful as he wants
to be. This blow to our family has come at a hard time, but has only strengthened our bond and brought us closer.
We are scared at what the future will bring, but know that with our supportive and amazing families, we
can make it through anything.
I ask that anything you can donate will help us out at
this difficult time. If you can't donate, just your well wishes, prayers, and shares will help keep
our spirits up. Thank you so much for reading my campaign. ...

February 26th, 2016: COLON CANCER In Memory
of Taylor I'm a close friend of the Helland family (Julia
& I have known each other since we were 3!). As many of you know, Bob & Julia just
lost their beautiful 19 year old daughter, Taylor Helland, to a rare form
of colon cancer on February 20th. They need help to pay for Taylor's medical expenses and funeral. Taylor was an inspiration to many and
raised funds for Pediatric cancer and Cook Children's Hospital in Fort Worth where she was a patient
on and off for 5 years. I was inspired by her giving spirit and dedication to help others and want
to help the Helland's in some small way. I can't imagine the pain of losing a child, but having
to deal with mounting medical bills and funeral expenses on top of that is something nobody should
ever have to go through.
Please know that the funds in this account will be going directly
to Bob & Julia Helland. Thank you so much for your help! I know the Helland's will be most grateful
to have one less thing to worry about! ...

February 25th, 2016: HODGKIN'S
LYMPHOMA CANCER In Honor of Wyatt I am writing this with a heavy heart, and
holding back so many tears. Two friends of mine, a husband and wife, both of which are amazing parents,
who both have been like a brother and a sister to me, have just announced today (02/19/2016)
that their 9 year old son, Wyatt, has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Wyatt is an amazing, energetic, compassionate
young man, full of life and is no stranger to having fun. He has two brothers who he loves dearly,
and means the world to his mother and father, and in return, they mean the world to him. I am hoping
and praying that by creating this GoFundMe page, I can take some stress off of their family
in this horrible time of stress and heartache, and to help them pay for the medical expenses that
await them in Wyatt's treatment. Please send lots of love and prayers their way, and if you
can, anything will help.
Every single dollar raised through this campaign will go towards Wyatt's future
medical treatments.
I can't express enough how thankful I am for you to take the time to
look at this campaign, send your thoughts and prayers his way, and if you can help at all with anything,
even a dollar goes a long way. It means the world to me, and will mean even more to Wyatt and his
family. They need all of the love and support that they can get right now.
Thank you!

SARCOMA CANCER In Honor of Chris Chris has been battling cancer for the past 3 years - and has inspired many with his positive
attitude, strength, resilience, and courageous fight against this terrible disease. During a recent surgery doctors removed a
mass that was identified as Primitive Neuroectodermal Sarcoma; Chris is now faced with a new type
of cancer that is lethal and the odds of survival are low. He will require 4 three week cycles of
aggressive chemotherapy. He has been a warrior these past 3 years; never asking for help and fighting cancer with everything he has. However,
now unable to work and having no extended benefits, the bills and therapy requirements will become
overwhelming. Chris has relied on employment insurance to cover his medical and day-to-day expenses,
however EI will soon be exhausted leaving him with no income. Fighting cancer and staying strong
is where his efforts and energy need to be focused, rather than worrying about the financial burdens.
I have started this page to provide an opportunity for Chris' friends to support him while he takes
on this life-threatening illness. In January 2013, Chris was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer,
Stage 3c Extra Gonadal Germ Cell, that required 12 weeks of incredibly aggressive chemotherapy that
nearly killed him. June of 2013 Chris had a 15 hour surgery that removed 22 tumors and his left
kidney and broke 5 ribs to gain access. A week after discharge he was readmitted and given an emergency chest tube that drained
over 4L of fluid from his right chest cavity. He would have died within 24 hours had it not been
discovered. Two more weeks after his second discharge he was readmitted again with Clostridium difficile
colitis (C-Diff), an infection that thankfully was caught and responded well to antibiotics.
2013 he had his second surgery to remove the 8cm tumor from his neck. September 2013 he was told
he was in remission. In December of 2013 he contracted Epipelagic Appendicitis which led to the
discovery of a new mass behind his pancreas. March 2014 he had a 4cm mass removed as a result. This was thought to
be his last battle against this Germ Cell cancer.
It would not be until a routine check-up that
he completed every 4 months that a new mass was discovered in his liver in October of 2015. This
2cm mass was removed January 2016. He was then diagnosed with Primitive Neuroectodermal Sarcoma
and told that in order to save his life he would again need to go through chemo therapy, a process
he will begin in February 2016. My goal for Chris is to continue focusing on fighting and not have to worry about expenses
that will continue to grow. His body has taken the toll of multiple surgeries and treatments,
and now he has another difficult fight ahead of him. Some of us have witnessed first-hand
the toll this has taken on Chris, and others have provided much-needed supported from a distance.
Now he needs all of us more than ever. Any donation, regardless of amount, is greatly appreciated
and will be a huge help to Chris during this time to give him access to all the tools he is going to require to beat
this new, more aggressive form of cancer.
Chris - you've got a whole team of family and friends
behind you and we know that you'll beat this and kick cancer's a$$! You live life with such
passion and are loved by so many. We are all rooting for you!!! ...

February 23rd, 2016: FIBROLAMELLAR HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA CANCER In Honor of Preston About two years ago, Preston started experiencing
terrible stomach pain, which was unusual for someone as tough as Preston. Following an ultrasound,
he received the devastating news that he had a unique form of currently incurable liver cancer (fibrolamellar
hepatocellular carcinoma) that only affects about 200 people throughout the world each year. Doctors
rushed to operate and immediately removed half of Preston’s liver along with his gallbladder.
After recovering from surgery, Preston was able to return to some level of normalcy despite a portion
of inoperable tumor remaining in his liver.
This past November, Preston’s doctors found that the cancer
had spread and two large tumors surrounded Preston’s abdomen. In early December, during Preston’s
second surgery as the doctor’s were removing the tumors and 32 cancerous lymph nodes, they
identified four additional tumors that had previously been overlooked. Due to the location of
the tumors, the doctors were unable to operate at that time. This reality in conjunction with his rare form of cancer
has left few treatment options. After deliberating over the options, Preston decided to start a
unique and expensive form of chemo treatments. On the day of his first treatment, the doctors found
the tumors were spreading to Preston’s lymph nodes. As if this wasn’t scary enough,
a nurse inadvertently gave Preston 10x the amount of chemo required for one treatment. Fearing the
dosage would cause a heart attack and organ failure, Preston was rushed to the hospital. Fortunately, he seems
to be doing okay.
Despite the setback, Preston remains optimistic and recently wrote the following:
“We all have busy lives and to take even the smallest amount of time to offer up words
of encouragement is huge to me. Everyone of you means so much to me. It's going to be a lifelong
battle for our little family and we have accepted this trial as a good thing. Just because I have
cancer and will keep doing other treatments doesn't mean I'm the only one with hardships. We all
need support at times. So if we can be of assistance to anyone, let us know because it's what makes the world turn.”
Meghan and Preston have dealt with the situation, they are doing it, like everything else in their
life, with incredible faith and positivity. With that said, the emotional toll is real. Meghan has
already lost a mom and sister to cancer and Preston is scared of not being around for his young
family. He too has already lost friends with this same rare cancer. Preston works for a company called Carmedic doing dent removal.
After his first surgery, he worked really hard to build up his business. While the hope is for Preston
to return to his job, due to the physical toll of his chemo treatments, he will be out of work for
several months if not longer. So that’s why I’m asking for your help or for the help
of those you know. Please consider giving of your means and sharing this with your friends and family.
Please know that by helping Preston and Meghan, you are relieving a real burden.
easier to take than to give. It's nobler to give than to take. The thrill of taking lasts a day.
The thrill of giving lasts a lifetime.” – Joan F. Marques ...

February 22nd, 2016: ESOPHAGEAL/LIVER CANCER In Honor
of Jeremy A young gentlemen, and Navy Veteran, that I used to go to college
with became friends with and stayed in touch with ever since is fighting the biggest battle of his life right
now. The fight against CANCER. His name is Jeremy Stone, and he is only 26 years old. The horror that he and
his loved ones are dealing with are a living Hell. Jeremy is facing a devastating menace of
a struggle right now, and there is no doubt that he will be dealing with its effects for many months
and years to come. The wonderful quality about Jeremy Stone is that it has always been in his nature to put other people ahead
of himself, stepping up to the task of helping a fellow in need without even a thought of himself.
His selflessness is so strong, that even in the face of liver and esophageal cancer as well as the high
medical debt awaiting him that continues still to grow with each passing day, he doesn't know how
to ask for help for himself, even thought he is in the midst of a fight that he can't possibly go
through alone. Knowing how hard it is for poor Jeremy to accept that he need's the help and support
of others, I am reaching out in an attempt to protect my inspirational pal's dignity and ask for the support he needs
and deserves. Let's all give back to Jeremy Stone, who gave so much to his community and his country. Jeremy Stone was born in May 22, 1989. He
will turn 27 this year. Jeremy served in the United States Navy on the USS Providence. He served
in Groton, CT. He was assigned the position of storekeeper (now logistics specialist). On November
13, 2015, Jeremy was admitted to the emergency room due to prolonged pneumonia, pancreatitis, and
dehydration. After three days of tests, including X-Rays, CT Scans, MRI's, an oral scope of his stomach, and a liver biopsy,
the dreadful news was received. Jeremy, only 26 years old, was diagnosed with esophageal cancer
and stage 4 liver cancer. Almost immediately after the diagnosis, Jeremy had to undergo a surgery
which was installation of a chemo port into his jugular vein.
Since then he has undergone
a whopping 7 Chemo treatments. Each one has made him weaker, but his optimism and his continuous
choice to smile instead of wallow in pity, as well as the love for his fiance and family who have
stayed right beside him every minute has kept him and everyone who worries about him in good spirits. He has been inspiring
everyone that a positive attitude in the face of the seemingly unbearable hardships that life throws
ones way may not make the problem go away, but it makes a life-affirming statement that no matter
how bad things get, a great attitude and optimism are the best outlook. That's also his way of putting
his family and friends' worries to rest. That's Jeremy putting others needs above himself, even
from a hospital bed and the faint breath of Death breathing down his neck. In January of 2016, Jeremy suffered another blow. He lost
his work-paid insurance and the cost of his new insurance quadrupled. It's cost of month-to-month
is what's causing Jeremy to fall deeper and deeper into debt. Life-or-death illness and financial
debt are two wicked struggles to face individually, but Jeremy Stone, the most undeserving person
I can think of in this world to be going through either one of those difficulties has the unlucky
curse of having to face both concurrently.
Cancer isn't biased, though, and neither is it's financial, physical,
and emotional aftermath.
Jeremy has revealed that his mounting medical bills are in
the tens of thousands of dollars at the moment, and he was hesitant to reveal an exact amount. For
this GoFundMe account, I've chosen to make $70,000 the goal to reach. He may require more than that
though, and the total he owes does climb higher each day and month.
My name is Ryan Nijakowski,
and I am the one organizing this fundraiser. Everything this account earns goes right to Jeremy Stone
for the purpose of paying his medical debt and give him some relief in what is the most horrifying experience of his
Jeremy Stone is a Navy Veteran. He's only 26 years old. His fiance and his family as
well as his friends are in fear while he somehow manages to remain stoic. He still has a lot of
life ahead of him, but it shouldn't be a tainted life with medical bills hovering over him. I am
asking for a miracle. I want the generous hearts out there to prove to my suffering friend and to myself that
there is a silver lining in this troubled world. Please give what you can.
If you have any questions
about anything related to Jeremy's health or the fundraiser, please feel free to leave a comment
or utilize GoFundMe's contact method. I will respond with the utmost haste.
Peace & Blessings To Each And Every One of You Join me and pray for an end to Cancer. Support
Jeremy Stone ...

21st, 2016: TESTICULAR CANCER In Honor
of Jake Jake and Kristie Unterseher were married
in 2011 and live just outside of Grand Forks, North Dakota with their three children: Jakob (3.5),
Gemma (2), and Maximilian (Born Jan 14th).
On January 25, 2016, Jake and Kristie received
the news that Jake had a large mass in his testicle. Three days later, he was diagnosed with
Stage 3 Testicular Cancer. On January 29th, Jake had his testicle removed along with the tumor, which measured 12cm.
Further testing revealed that the cancer had spread throughout his abdomen and lungs. Jake
will begin a series of Chemo treatments on February 29th. While Testicular Cancer is highly treatable,
the treatment schedule is very rigorous, requiring a lot of chemo in a short amount of time.
This will put a great strain on their family, making it difficult for Jake to work and help
care for their children.
Your support will be greatly appreciated by the Unterseher Family and
provide for their needs in many ways. Your generosity will cover the cost of their medical bills, regular
living expenses, and extra costs required in order to care for Jake during his treatments over the
next 3-5 months. https://www.gofundme.com/unterseher http://testicularcancer.org/ ...

February 20th, 2016: LIVER/PANCREAS CANCER In Honor
of Katy On
January 31, 2016 the doctors founds a mass on Katy's liver. A biopsy was conducted the following
day and it was sent off for additional testing. On February 1, 2016 those tests revealed that Katy had
cancerous tumors on her liver and pancreas. She was diagnosed with cancer, more specifically Stage IV Metastatic
Pancreas / Liver Adenocarcinoma.
This is not what any of us expected to find or see in a
33 year old new mother. What should have been the sounds of celebration in her hospital room and
the happy faces of friends and family has been a surreal experience.
Katy has been referred
to an amazing team at the Indiana University Simon Cancer Center in Indianapolis. Jason &
Katy visited them last week for a consultation and 2nd opinion. The diagnosis is the same. She has Pancreatic Cancer
that has also spread to her liver. This tumor is inoperable. The positive news is they have accepted
Katy into a clinical trial that will consist of a trial drug and chemotherapy. The goal is to push
back and shrink these tumors so Katy can gain time with her family, daughter and the hope of new
treatment. This cancer team is amazing, everyone was very knowledgeable and very kind. The
type of cancer Katy was diagnosed with is their specialty. Katy has committed to the program and will
begin her treatments this week.
We all know this is going to be a long road, especially Katy and Jason. The treatment
center at IU is a 2.5 hour drive one way for Katy. The days will be long and the treatment rigorous.
Katy begins her first phase of this treatment tomorrow, February 17, 2016, with a trip to IU to
begin labs, tests, blood work and to have her port placed for Chemo. Once this is complete, she
will go back for a follow up to begin the trial drug. After that appointment she will begin her
Chemotherapy treatments. These treatments will involve a trip to Indianapolis every other week, and a follow
up appointment to remove her Chemo Pump. All in all, lots of driving and travel and time away. The doctors at
IU have given Katy and all of us hope and a positive outlook with this treatment plan.
is all still very new, raw and changing daily. Katy's husband Jason has been a ROCK in Katy’s
life and we are all proud to call him our brother/son. He has been attentive to Katy and Marley’s
physical and emotional needs. Jason is taking off as much time as he can from work and Katy hasn’t
been able to return. We want to do anything we can to be sure their focus is on Katy’s treatment
and Marley, not bills. We know that with a new born, time off of work and the loss of one income those bills are going
to start to add up.
Katy is a fighter and has vowed to beat the odds. She has the spirit,
determination and the support! What Katy and Jason need from everyone are positive thoughts,
prayers, support and well wishes! If you can donate, it is absolutely appreciated. If you can't
we just ask you read and share this story and please pray for Katy and her family! https://www.gofundme.com/katybeatcancerfund http://www.cancer.gov/types/pancreatic/patient/pancreatic-treatment-pdq ...

February 19th, 2016: NEUROBLASTOMA CANCER In Honor
of Elijah CANCER!!!!
It Rips
your world apart!! Takes your very Being and completely changes you. It strips you of your Faith,
It strips you of your joys, Happiness, it basically rips you into small pieces!! Imagine a good
piece of paper, and your whole life was written on this paper, then someone taking this paper and
rips it until it is into many small pieces, Your Life and all you did before become nothing but little pieces floating in
the wind scattered all over the ground! Cancer Takes away your freedom, takes away your life, you lose
friends, people stop wanting to hang around you, takes away your life, your homes, your income, everything you can
think of.
Elijah Mainville AKA Drax Shadow was Diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma Cancer Nov. 5th
2010 He
has been struggling and succeeding at trying to beat Cancer with 4 relapses as of Nov 2015. Undergoing
Chemo, radiation, all sorts of trials and tests, biopsies, surgery, and more chemo to keep him alive.
Cannabis did not work and he relapsed on cannabis. We do our best to bring him the best. He is my super hero!!!! https://www.gofundme.com/ElijahIsMyHero

February 18th, 2016: CANINE LYMPHOMA CANCER In Honor
of Milo Our
21-month-old beagle-lab mix, Milo (one of the @thebarkingbros), was recently diagnosed with
Stage 3 canine lymphoma. With chemo therapy treatments, however, Milo still has a chance to live
years longer -- and a high quality life. In some cases, the cancer can go into remission for many,
many, many, years. Milo is a fighter, and so we are hoping for the best outcome!
These treatments are expensive,
so we are asking for any support to help give Milo a fighting chance at more life! We appreciate
any and all support! Please help us get a #MiracleforMilo.
Just ten dollars from each of you will take us halfway to our goal but enough to start
the chemo and recovery process. For about the price of lunch or something equally trivial you can
THANK YOU for reading this and please
contribute what you can! #MiracleforMilo family

February 17th, 2016: STOMACH CANCER In Honor of Ross My name is Sachin J. Jhunjhunwala,
and I am a mathematics teacher at Evanston Township High School. My dear friend and colleague at
ETHS, Ross Freeland, was recently diagnosed with stomach cancer, and he can no longer work for the
foreseeable future. His wife, Anna, is also not working, so that she can stay home and care for
Ross has started chemotherapy but his prognosis and course of treatment is uncertain. If this treatment doesn't
work, it is possible he will need a clinical trial to find an effective treatment, which can be
very costly. All funds raised will go towards Ross' treatment and the care of his needs through
these difficult times.
Ross has touched so many lives through church, his family, Camp Highlands,
baseball, and as a teacher. He and his family would be so thankful for anything you can give to
help keep them focused on staying positive and getting Ross healthy again.

February 16th, 2016: BOWEL CANCER In Honor of Angela Our beautiful friend Angela
Oversby was diagnosed with Metastatic Adenocarcinoma commonly known as stage 4 bowel cancer on the
1st of December 2015, at the age of 31. This cancer was once regarded as an old mans disease but
in recent times is being seen in younger people. Angela’s quest is for awareness throughout Australia
of bowel cancer in young mothers and people in general.
Angela is a wife to Kevin and a mother to 18 month
old Cooper, she showed no real symptoms of bowel cancer that couldn’t be put down to wear
and tear of child birth, and a working mum with a toddler.
Angela who is a midwife has stopped
working due to her constant chemo treatment in Perth, Kevin has had to take extended leave to support
Angela and Cooper.
Whilst we can not take the cancer away, we can as their friends and community
help this wonderful family alleviate some of the financial burden associated with cancer treatment.
Please let’s all unite and help Angela, Kevin and Cooper by donating.

February 15th, 2016: CANINE KIDNEY CANCER In Honor
of Riley We
first adopted Riley from the Escondido Humane Society when he was 1 year old. We immediately fell
in love with him, and he has been a part of our family for the past 10 years. Anyone who has met
Riley knows what a loving and playful dog he is...and how much he loves bringing his duck to new
people in the house to play with him. He has gone through the best and the worst of times with us,
and is truly a member of the family. In that time, he stayed next to my mom the entire time she went through
chemo and for the duration of my mom's battle with breast cancer; and now it is our turn to stick by his side
during his battle with cancer.
Riley has always been a happy and healthy dog, and has
never had any health issues in the past. We recently found out that Riley has a tumor on his left
kidney, and it will require him to have surgery and remove the entire kidney to get the tumor out.
Riley's kidney tumor is extremely rare, and only accounts for 2% of tumors found in canines. Because
of this, it will require a specialist to do the surgery, which ultimately is going to cost more ($3,000.00). The doctors
have given him a good prognosis, and believe that if he has this surgery, he will be back to his
normal self.
Currently, the tumor is only affecting one of his kidneys and his blood work
is great. We need to get this surgery done while it is still operable. Any and all donations
will be so greatly appreciated by my entire family. Thank you so much!

February 14th, 2016: BONE CANCER In Honor
of Ivy Whether
she’s passionately feeding the homeless, tirelessly volunteering with the Community Cloth
or empowering refugee women, she makes the room light up. Ivy is a shining example of what REMARKABLE
looks like. Not only is she active in the community, but she’s always there for anyone who needs her
and truly has a heart of gold! Unfortunately,
towards the end of January, she received devastating news. The doctor called to tell her that
she has Ewing’s Osteosarcoma (BONE CANCER). After receiving this daunting news, being the strong-willed
25 year-old woman that she is, she has taken the stance to fight CANCER. She is determined to not only persevere
but to kick cancer’s ass! With every great person there comes an amazing support team and
we’re asking YOU to be a part of the fight. Hospital
bills don’t pay themselves, and she needs YOUR help financially, whether you donate $10 or
$10,000, everything counts and is greatly appreciated!
you and let the fight begin!

CANCER In Honor of Ryder Ryder
Curcuru was diagnosed with Langerhans Histiocytosis (a very rare cancer) at the age of 7 months
old. Ryder is in the middle of his first year of chemotherapy. He is in a life-long
Please keep them in your prayers and help us help the family. Any donation,
no matter how big or small, is appreciated!
This money will go towards paying for Ryder's medical
We cannot thank you enough for your prayers and donations!!!

February 12th, 2016: BREAST CANCER In Honor
of Castagna Our amazing and beautiful
friend Castagna has been diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 37 and she needs our
help to win this fight.
Castagna has never been comfortable asking others for help,
but reluctantly agreed to let us start this page. I do not need to tell those of you that know Castagna
what an amazing person she is. She’s never met a stranger and I’ve yet to see her pass
by someone in need without offering a helping hand. She wants to thank you all for the outpouring of
emotional support she is receiving, but she is also going to need a lot of financial help. Even if you cannot help
financially, we would really appreciate you helping us spread the word. We do
not yet know what the total costs will be to win this fight with breast cancer, but we know they
will be substantial. Your support will help to fund any medical costs not covered by insurance,
complimentary therapies, living expenses and any unforeseen needs that may arise on her road to
Thank you all for your support
and prayers.

February 11th, 2016: LIVER CANCER In Honor
of Jim It
is with a very heavy, but hopeful, heart that we send you this letter. As many of you know, my
mom and dad have served the Body of Christ for many years and in many capacities. They have spent
the last three years living in Guatemala and pouring their hearts and lives into hundreds of young men and women who
have gone through the IGNITE Mission Training program of Potter’s Field Ministries. In 2013, my dad was diagnosed with
liver cancer. He underwent a series of extremely painful treatments that put the disease in remission.
In 2015, he was given a diagnosis of Stage 4 liver cancer. The U.S. doctors have not given any hope for a cure. In
researching his options, he found that Mexico has a much more advanced treatment plan because they
are not bound by U.S. regulations. There are three options for his treatment, but regardless of
which one he selects, it will require at least $60,000 to pay for the treatment. Unfortunately,
their health coverage will not extend to the treatment in Mexico. We
are asking for you to prayerfully consider any amount at all that you can donate towards the expenses. We believe
that a lot of people doing a little bit will accomplish the impossible. Please keep my parents, as well
as all of us in your prayers.
Thank you so much for your help.

February 10th, 2016: NASOPHARYNGEAL CANCER In Honor
of Renata Renata
is a wife and a mother of two young boys (ages 3 & 10). Two years ago, when she was only 33
and her youngest son was only one, she was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer (a rare type of
head and neck cancer). The news was devastating but she was hopeful and ready to fight. Her doctors
sent her quickly for chemotherapy and radiations, but her body didn’t respond well to these treatments and
left Renata with many complications. For many months after the therapies she had to be fed via NG tube and
was very weak. Little by little she started feeling better and regaining her strength… her
life was slowly returning to normal. Then few months ago she got crushed once again with shattering
news. They found more spots on her liver, her thigh bone and recently also on her spine. Things
didn’t look good, but doctors started cryotherapy (freezing cancer cells) and another round
of radiation and chemo. Unfortunately, just like before these traditional treatments didn’t work for her. She is devastated
and in a lot of pain, currently only taking pain killers. Her doctors are running out of options
and they put her on a wait list for an experimental treatment. But the list is long and it may take
months for the treatments to begin. Renata is running out of time! We refuse
to sit and wait so we decided to help Renata explore other non-traditional treatments. There are
few promising ones on the market but they are very expensive and far out of reach for her to even consider at the
moment. Therefore, we created this campaign to collect some funds to help Renata in her quest to find a
treatment that will work for her but also to help pay some of their massive medical bills resulting
from 2 years of medical care. So I beg you, if you have a heart and feel like you are
in a position to help, please make a donation today! Any amount no matter the size is appreciated!
Time is running out so we need to act quickly. Family, friends and good people of the
world come together to make a difference! Together we can support Renia
- our friend, sister, wife and mother! Together we WILL BEAT THIS!!! All
prayers for her recovery and her family during this difficult time are also welcome! Thank you
for your support, prayers and your good heart! God bless you!
Polska wersja dla naszych
polskich przyjaciol ponizej.

February 9th, 2016: BRAIN CANCER In Honor
of Mikey Michael Leija
Jr was diagnosed January 21, 2016 with brain cancer (Mixed Germ Cell Tumor). Michael (Mikey) is only 10
years old. He is the son of Michael and Valerie Leija, he is a lively bright caring happy go lucky
I am starting this fund in his honor, I am the Godmother to one of his younger
sisters. I have known Mikey since he was growing inside his mother's womb, Valerie (Val). I have
been one of Val's best friends for several years and I have seen Mikey grow and mature into the wonderful
soul he is.
I'll begin with how they caught his cancer, a little history on him since he's barely
10 and hasn't experienced a full life yet, and his treatments.
He had told his mother
days before being diagnosed that he was suffering from headaches. Both Mike and Val felt something
wasn't right and took him to the local ER. There they told her that there was something unusual
in his CT scan and that they would need to medically transfer him to another hospital over 150 miles
away. He arrived in San Antonio's Methodist Children's Hospital on January 19, 2016 at 9pm with his father.
For the next few days they ran more tests on him and discovered that his brain tumor was inoperable because of
its location. They were fortunately able to drain some of the built up fluid that was causing the
headaches with a difficult and very slow surgical procedure. Entering first from the top right side
of his scalp traveling downward along his cranium, entering through his eye socket, moving downward
still to reach the base of his head, traveling back up towards the center of his brain to reach
the tumor and alleviate some of the pressure.
Mikey, up until his diagnoses was a perfect attendance student,
loves the San Antonio Spurs, Dallas Cowboys, wrestling, swimming, hanging out with his friends, and
cracking jokes. He has two younger sisters, Maddie 6 years old and Meg 18 months, and he is very
excited that his mom is expecting another baby.
His first round of chemotherapy was February
4, 2016 at Methodist Children’s Hospital where he will go through 18-20 weeks of chemo treatment
before going to MD Anderson for radiation. Since Val is pregnant she isn’t able to be with him at
all times nor will she be able to be around him for several days at a time once he begins radiation.
fund is to help pay for not only his medical bills, but for all the expenses that are quickly mounting
up for the family. Val and Mike both have to miss work to travel the 300 miles round trip for
each treatment, and stay a few days at a time in San Antonio away from their family.

February 8th, 2016: ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA In Honor
of Brandon Imagine you are 24, diagnosed with one of
the most aggressive blood cancers, have already spent your savings (what little you have at 24),
and had to quit your job 6 months ago due to your illness. You've moved 3 times in the last 4 months
to get medical care and you were just told that there is no additional medical care left for you
in Canada. You have to leave your home and your family to get care in another country at your own expense
in order to have any hope at a viable treatment. That is the story of my courageous husband, Brandon.
This is why we desperately need your help. On
January 29, 2016, we learned that trial drug medication was not working and increasing
numbers of cancerous blast cells had begun to show in Brandon's blood, which lead doctors to believe
that the leukemia was continuing to flourish in his bone marrow. Furthermore, the highest dose of the medication was
starting to show toxic effects on Brandon's liver. With heavy hearts, Brandon's doctors were forced
to remove him from the trial drug study.
On January 29, 2016, we had the difficult
conversation with his doctors as they told us there were no available treatment
options left in Canada. Vancouver General Hospital is one of the leading leukemia treatment centers
in Canada, and they had tried everything they have available to help Brandon. All they could offer,
is comfort care to ease the side effects as the cancer takes over and eventually takes Brandon's life.
and I are just not ready to quit. We are choosing to travel to the best cancer hospital in the United
States, MD Anderson in Houston, Texas. Because Brandon is a Canadian citizen, this comes with
a heavy price tag. His initial consultation fee is $37,000. I am working diligently to get all his
paperwork in order so that he can be at MD Anderson to start treatment within the next few weeks.
Since his leukemia is so aggressive, getting him to MD Anderson as quickly as possible is extremely important.
Any donations received will go towards paying for Brandon's treatment at MD Anderson.
Anyone who
knows Brandon, knows what a joy and light he is to the world. He is the most compassionate, generous,
and contagiously funny guy I know. He has the ability to light up the room and make everyone
around him laugh and smile. He also has an incredible positivity and strength that comes from within.
Throughout this journey, he has never complained or been angry with his diagnosis. I don't know
how many times I've heard him say "Other people have it worse, I'm the lucky one." He has continued to fight leukemia
with a smile on his face and love in his heart.

February 7th, 2016: METASTATIC
CANCER In Honor of Dan Cancer. The one word that can shatter your life and swallow you up in emotions.
age 43, my son-in-law, Dan Smoot has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma with Brain
Metastases. Tumor sites are in his left armpit and under his left pectoral muscle, in his chest between the
lungs, his adrenal gland, and in the bone of one vertebrae of his lower spine. Radiation treatment
is scheduled November 13th, 2015 on three 9mm tumors in his brain.
If this isn't enough
to deal with, the financial devastation of medical expenses is adding an overwhelming amount of
stress on Dan and his wife (my daughter), Renee - as well as affecting the children ( ages 16, 2,
and 7 months).
While most of us were gearing up for the holidays, this Marine was preparing himself
for the fight of his life.
I am very humbly requesting financial assistance
for this family to help alleviate some of the stress and hardship they are enduring. Anything you
can help will be genuinely and gratefully appreciated.

February 6th, 2016: COLON CANCER
In Memory Of Anthony -From
Anthony's Mother on Friday 4-25-14 Anthony Mobley update:
Wednesday afternoon we were called to Emory University
Hospital and were told that Anthony was not going to make it thru the day, He did, then we were
told he would not make it thru the night, He did. He told us he wanted to go home and that was where
he would die with his family and his dogs. Arrangements were made and even though Emory University Hospital
wanted him to stay he said, "NO, I want to go home, Shoot for the moon." He landed very softly on the moon and he
got home yesterday afternoon. His hospital bed got there only moments before he got there and I went out
to the ambulance to see him and I said, "Hey baby you did it you made it home they are inside now
putting your bed together, he looked at me and said, "Go help them, hurry" still in control and
still giving orders . He had time to be with his kids, his family, and his beloved dogs. He knew
his time was close and he had time to spend it with the ones he loved the most and he passed from
this world with Stephanie holding his hand with her head on his chest listening to his heart beat with his dogs laying at
the foot of his hospital bed a little after midnight last night. As a family we are devastated at losing Anthony and
also as a family we praise the lord our God who gave us time with him in the end that we would never
had gotten without God leading us. We are such clueless people and without God we would continually
walk thru this world blinded by so many things that we would miss without his love and guidance.
Today I ask for you to continue to pray for Anthony and his family. His two young boys are going to have
to face a very difficult time and Stephanie and Anthony have been together since high school. Anthony has brought together
a family, a community and he has reached thousands of people who otherwise would not have known
what a great God we have and how much we depend on him to get us thru not just the good days but
the bad ones as well. For Thine in the Power and Glory, he leads we follow and I for one know that
Heaven will be painted with the most beautiful colors because Heaven now has a new artist. Thank you God for this day
and for the time you allowed us to have with Anthony! Amen

February 5th, 2016: LUNG CANCER In Honor Of Eddie This is my friend, William "Eddie" May, seen here with his youngest daughter.
Eddie is an FSU Graduate, and career law enforcement officer. Eddie has served the citizens of both
South Carolina and Florida for the past 27 years. A former motor officer, Eddie has focused
his career on working with school children, as a supervisor in the “Juvenile Relations Bureau.”
Eddie works with and oversees portions of such programs as the School Resource Deputy program, the School
Crossing Guards, and the Annual Washington D.C. Safety Patrol Trip, providing our school aged children
a trip to the nation’s capital.
Eddie is a devoted father and grandfather,
working hard to support his family every day. So much so that he owns and operates a second
business teaching people to get their motorcycle endorsements on the weekends. Given his full-time
job and this business, Eddie is often away from his family nearly all week to provide a comfortable living.
A little over a month ago, Eddie developed a cough that wouldn't go away. After trying to fight
it off on his own, he went to the doctor and was diagnosed with cancer.
Within days
of the initial diagnosis, Eddie was told that his cancer has progressed and there is little that
can be done. Eddie has surgeries and treatments scheduled which will buy him precious time
with his family, but he is fighting an uphill battle.
I am asking for donations to aid
Eddie and his family in medical costs and to assist the family as he continues to fight and explores all possible avenues. Anything
Eddie has devoted his life to his family and to serving others. He has brought
happiness to so many people and is greatly loved. This news has positively crushed his friends and
family. Whereas we cannot help him physically, we are hoping to provide assistance to him
and his family through donations.
Thank you for your time in reading this. His
family and friends would be eternally grateful for any assistance you can provide.
- David https://www.gofundme.com/vh9nrubv http://www.lungcanceralliance.org/ ...

February 4th, 2016: HODGKIN'S
LYMPHOMA In Honor Of Minda Minda Lovelady, mother of four, wife, sister, aunt, daughter. That smiling face we all seem to know within
our community. After almost six weeks of struggling with a misdiagnosed heart condition, Minda
was admitted into the Emergency Department here at KGH. There she underwent countless tests, scans,
biopsies and bone marrow extractions during her eight day stay in the hospital. Although the family
is still waiting for all of the final results, Minda has been given a diagnosis of Hodgkin's Lymphoma
. Both her family Doctor and her Oncologists agreed time is of the essence. Regardless of the stage of her cancer
or the rate of growth, the time to begin is now. Minda's treatment will be given every two weeks at the
cancer agency, for a minimum of six months of aggressive chemotherapy. The details and specifics
will follow as results arrive and more tests in Vancouver develop.
We are trying to keep
Minda's husband, Tim, at home for the duration of her treatment. As many of you know Tim works in
Africa and is away for over 32 days at a time. Their family needs him home. They need him to be here
for Minda on those unbelievably low days, and they need him to be here on those unbelievably awesome days. The family
needs Tim to be at home for their four children, to comfort and to help guide them through this
uncertain time in all of their lives. Most of you will recognize Minda from our community,
she loves life to the fullest! She's the familiar face at your local coffee shop who knows each
and everyone of you because she wants to not because she has to. Minda is that endless smile that
radiates her love of life onto others. She is your neighbor, she was your best friend in kindergarten, your fellow yogi
in the hot room, your family. To a lot of people Minda means many things, and each of you hold a
special place in your heart for her; as does she. But to her family she is their everything. Minda
is doing what she can, the way she knows best. Daily yoga, meditation and surrounding herself with
powerful good energy and love! The Lovelady family will be fighting their moms fight right along
side her. We are all hoping this beautiful city of Kelowna where she was born and raised will support
her through this life changing event. It is with much love and admiration for this beautiful woman that we are taking
the steps necessary to help keep her family of six together at home to heal. The Lovelady's truly
believe there will be a positive outcome and are asking for all positive thoughts and love to be
sent their way as well. With much love and a humble heart they begin their journey today as
a family.
"Be here now... This is the only place you need to be... And from this place,
all things are possible..."
Journey to the heart. https://www.gofundme.com/2qeqsbcs http://www.lls.org/ ...

February 3rd, 2016: PANCREATIC
CANCER In Honor Of Sgt. Cain My
name is Shania Cain. My father was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and its really taking a
toll on our lives... A few days before Christmas I got a phone call from my father telling me
I needed to come home because he needed to talk to me. When I got there he told me he had
a very aggressive form of cancer. He had been through many tests and scans to see what could be
done about it. He has decided to go to Jacksonville's Mayo clinic to receive treatment. Medical
bills will still need to be paid, but here it's not as stressful. The money will be put towards medical
bills that are beginning to pile up. Any donation is greatly appreciated. If there is anything left
over it will be put back into cancer research. Please help my family get through this rough time.
https://www.gofundme.com/ukhtgr8c https://www.pancan.org/ ...

February 2nd, 2016: SARCOMA CANCER In Honor Of Stephen This is for our great friend, teammate and brother Stephen Bergeron. Stephen is currently
suffering from a rare form of Sarcoma and will be undergoing chemotherapy at Yale Medical Center.
The money raised by this project will go directly to Steve and his father to help with the burden
of medical expenses and food. Please join us in showing Steve how much he means to us all by donating
even just a few dollars. Together we can make a difference and make his road to recovery more comfortable. Steve
has always been a fantastic friend, and we greatly appreciate every contribution, no matter how small. Thank
you and God bless https://www.gofundme.com/p8567kqs http://www.curesarcoma.org/ ...

1st, 2016: CHORDOMA FOSSA In Memory Of Angel Gabby Our great niece, our little angel
Gabby has a Chordoma Fossa tumor. She has went through brain surgery and unfortunately
she lost hearing in her left ear for the rest of her life. One of her lungs collapsed
during surgery and her left vocal cord is paralyzed
for life as well. Her left eye has not been open for about four months now.
We are not sure if she will lose sight in that eye. She has had a few surgery's
now. She went through chemo that didn't work, so she went through 34 days
of radiation. The radiation has had no effect. She has not eaten through
her mouth the whole time, she has been eating via a
stomach tube, referred to as a "G" tube. She is on multiple medications multiple times a day and some experimental drugs
that will hopefully kill the rest of her tumor. We have
been struggling with this as a family for a year now and it has been
very financially draining. With constant hospital visits and long stays,
everyday life becomes very trying and finances become the last thing the parents should
deal with. We aren't trying to pay for everyday life just enough to cover parking
costs, gas money for travel and some for emergency purposes.
We would also like to thank all those that have already helped, we appreciate
all that has been done. We just have to keep our hopes up! Thanks again. UPDATE: It is with a very sad heart that I write this update. This afternoon Gabby passed
on. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their thoughts
prayers and donations. This is a very hard time as can
be imagined but it makes such a difference when we have so many awesome people
to support us. We are still accepting donations as we still do not have enough to
cover funeral costs so any donations would still be greatly appreciated.
https://www.gofundme.com/6sjh9tpw http://www.chordomafoundation.org/understanding-chordoma/ ...

The Gastroparesis Awareness Campaign
is proud to sponsor this worldwide event by showing our support to other patients around the world who suffer from chronic
and terminal medical conditions, some more rare than others. CANCER 30 Days,
30 Cancers will honor those who bravely battle even some of the most rarest forms of cancer. We will be spotlighting 30 patients
for the next 30 thirty days with 30 unique forms of cancer in hopes of offering our full support during their
own unique medical journey. We will also be paying tribute to those who fearlessly and heroically, lost their battle
to cancer. 30 Days, 30 Cancers challenges YOU to run
or walk 140 miles starting February 1-March 1, 2016 in honor and memory of all cancer patients that bravely battle
each and every day in hopes for a cure. 140

The founder of the Gastroparesis Awareness
Campaign, Kimberly will be keeping a daily journal online of her own 140 mile challenge. You can access her daily blog
and join in helping to raise Cancer Awareness by clicking on the link below:

EMAIL REQUESTS: gpawarenessfund@yahoo.com |
*Spreading GP Awareness
One Person At A Time* You My Friend Will Never Again Walk Alone ©2006